Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women

We aim to make it easier for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women to have breast screens.

We support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women by:

  • working with your local Indigenous Health Worker so they can make your breast screening appointment for you
  • offering group bookings for breast screening so you can attend with your friends or family
  • offering screening days that are only for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in some of our clinics or mobile vans
  • having a 4-wheel drive mobile van that travels to Far North Queensland and the Torres Strait to offer breast screening to women in remote communities.

Learn more about cancer and screening in this Cancer Council Western Australia YouTube video for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Bo de la Cruz talks breast screening

In this video, touch, rugby union and rugby league player and Deadly Choices Ambassador, Bo de la Cruz, talks about her ‘amazing’ breast screen. She did it for her family and she encourages others to have a breast screen to stay healthy and strong for their mob.

Hi. My name's Bo de la Cruz.

I'm an ambassador for Deadly Choices. I'm a descendant of the Gudjala people and also the Erub People in Darnley Island in the Torres Strait.

If you have a history of cancer, especially breast cancer in your family, I know for me, I went and had my breasts screened. And look, my experience was amazing. Obviously, you know, I've had family that have had breast cancer and check-ups before in the past, so I sort of had that information already.

But I suppose for me, it was more about my children, you know, and more about my family. And you know, if there was something there that I really needed to get on top of it quick, before it got any worse. So, you know, that early detection was always in the forefront of my head and the process was really good.

The lady made me feel really, really comfortable and there is no shame factor. They see these women every single day, eight hours a day, they're doing these screenings. So, yeah, please make sure if you do feel as though you need to go in or just getting a regular check-up, don't be shame, just go and do it.

Stay healthy and strong for your mob.

Make an appointment today for your breast screening at any BreastScreen Queensland service. For more information, call 13 20 50 or visit breastscreen.qld.gov.au

Last updated: June 2024